
Cue Creator Four Secondary Splices Plus 2 Veneers Amboyna

Original price was: USD$697.00.Current price is: USD$595.00.

采用这种设计,我们使用美国轴,枫木和红色饰面,以及四个Amboyna Burr.(North American ash) 所有台球都附有序列号,以帮助保护我们的品牌免受复制。它们还配有表壳和配件。

使用Cue Creator,您还可以使用我们的设计软件并创建自己的尖端设计或从我们的库存范围中进行选择。您可以在一周内从悉尼澳大利亚到中国购买台球或斯诺克球杆,以便进行库存台球。

With this design we have used the North American ash shaft with ebony butt with a maple and red veneer and four secondary splices of Amboyna Burr.

SKU: Cue Creator Four Secondary Splices Plus 2 Veneers Amboyna Categories: ,


Cue Creator Four Secondary Splices Plus 1 Veneer Amboyna

采用这种设计,我们使用美国轴,枫木和红色饰面,以及四个Amboyna Burr.(North American ash) 所有台球都附有序列号,以帮助保护我们的品牌免受复制。它们还配有表壳和配件。

使用Cue Creator,您还可以使用我们的设计软件并创建自己的尖端设计或从我们的库存范围中进行选择。您可以在一周内从悉尼澳大利亚到中国购买台球或斯诺克球杆,以便进行库存台球。

The design in this  we’ve picked a Cue Creator Four Secondary Splices Plus 2 Veneers. For this design we have used the North American ash shaft with ebony butt with a maple and red veneer and four secondary splices of Amboyna Burr.

This cue has a three-quarter joint and uses our newly developed joint which has far less side to side movement than others in the current marketplace.

Cue Specifications: 台球规格

  • CC-339  -58.1 inches/ 9.41mm ferrule/ 18.3 inch balance point/ 18.59 ounces/ 29.98 butt – SOLD
  • CC-341  -58 inches/ 9.51 mm ferrule/ 17.3 inch balance point/ 18.73 ounces/ 30.26 butt
  • CC-349  -58.1 inches/ 9.46mm ferrule/ 18.2 inch balance point/ 18.41 ounces/ 29.95 butt
  • For all Cue Creator® cues purchased we’re also giving a free Black Aluminum cue case so we have peace of mind when sending.

Additional information

Weight 4.4 lbs
Dimensions 60 × 4 × 4 in
Cue Variations

CC-339 -58.1 inches/ 9.41mm ferrule/ 18.3 inch balance point/ 18.59 ounces/ 29.98 butt, CC-341 -58 inches/ 9.51 mm ferrule/ 17.3 inch balance point/ 18.73 ounces/ 30.26 butt, CC-349 -58.1 inches/ 9.46mm ferrule/ 18.2 inch balance point/ 18.41 ounces/ 29.95 butt


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